Mustard Greens (Brassica juncea)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Leaf Vegetables

Eruca sativa - Wikipedia
Eruca vesicaria - USDA PLANTS Database

Brassica juncea - Wikipedia

I have grown a few different varieties of mustard greens. The photo shows seedlings coming up on September 7, 2013. They are of the variety "Red Giant," which have very large, dark burgundy leaves and a powerful horseradish kick!

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The large, powerful mustard "Red Giant" on February 22, 2015
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In late 2016/early 2017, some milder mustard greens grew outside my garden beds. I had put a pile of grocery store discards in the area for compost, and some mustard greens might have set roots there. 
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These mustard greens have a very subtle flavor. I thought I had a brassica species when I first saw it, and that identification was confirmed when I saw the flowers.
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