Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Leaf Vegetables

Lactuca sativa - Plants for a Future
Lactuca sativa - Floridata.com
Lettuce - Wikipedia

Duration: Annual Origination: Ancient EgyptEdibility: All PartsStatus in Yard: Garden

I have grown all three of the main cultivar types of Lactuca sativa: romaine, butterhead, and looseleaf. They all do pretty well, though some always seem to bolt before I can eat them.

I sowed lettuce seeds, namely "Romaine Parris Island Cos" seeds from Botanical Interests, in my first garden bed on the first day of planting. At least one seedling emerged on August 31, 2013. 

Some looseleaf lettuce on April 15, 2014

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Some romaine lettuce on February 22, 2015
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