Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)

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Coral Honeysuckle - Identify That Plant
Coral Honeysuckle - Wikipedia

Duration: Perennial Origination: eastern United StatesEdibility: Not described as edibleStatus in Yard: 1 small individual

I purchased coral honeysuckle and planted it by the west fence on September 16, 2013. It grew slowly, and I don't think it ever flowered. At one point I had some long vines from it, but I never built a proper trellis for them.

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By March 6, 2014, it was covered with powdery mildew. At some point I put logs around it to keep myself from stepping on it. It hadn't grown much at all in the six months it had been there.

I pulled it out of the ground in 2016 to make room for cucumber and cantaloupe trellises. Then, in early 2017, two individuals popped up near the back yard gate. I don't recall ever seeing seeds or even flowers on the original one, so this is a mystery.