Red Spider Lily (Lycoris radiata)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants
Bulb Plants

Lycoris radiata - Wikipedia
Lycoris radiata - USDA PLANTS Database
Lycoris radiata - Missouri Botanical Garden

Duration: Bulbous perennial Native to: China, Korea and NepalEdibility: bulbs are very poisonousStatus in Yard: Probably dead

On September 27, 2014, I looked out my kitchen window and saw these two red spider lilies (Lycoris radiata) in the mini lawn. They didn't stay there for long, and I haven't seen them again as of June 2017. No doubt the previous owner who filled the yard with far eastern plants, put these in too, but it's odd that they appear in the lawn.

Click the photo to enlarge it

After the plants flower, they produce their strap-like leaves, which remain visible the following year. This photo was taken on February 17, 2014. They have not been seen in 2017.

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