Mini Lawn

The mini lawn is the part of the lawn extending about fifteen feet northward from the back patio and the herb garden. While the definition of the space changed over time, it continued to be dominated by St. Augustine grass from the time I moved in on May 15, 2013 to at least June 2017, unlike all the other defined areas in the back yard

On April 19, 2014, I shredded leaves with my mower to make leaf mold for the first time.

On June 28, 2014, a large branch fell from the water oak and landed in this general area.

On October 26, 2014, it is clear that I had stopped mowing the grass in the back yard, at least for the year.

When I added raised beds in December 2015, the definition of the space became clearer. I considered it the 25-feet wide space between the back patio and the herb garden to the south of the four raised beds. At its western end, it extended about 15 feet south from Bed 1 and Bed 2. It got narrower towards its eastern end because the herb garden took up much of the space between the patio and beds 3 and 4. This demarcation continued until at least June 2017.

This photo shows the western part of the mini lawn. I occasionally mowed the irregular St. Augustine grass. Other plants, such as Oriental false hawksbeard  and escaped garden plants like mustard greens appear in that area, as well as a perennial, red spider lily, which might have died as of 2017.

I made a path and lined it with logs in 2014. I used it when I went to the east side of the yard, but cut through the grass when going straight or to the west. In the photo below, the bushy plants along the back side of the path were mostly whitemouth dayflower. These photos were taken on May 5, 2017.
Click the photo to see it bigger!
As I said above, the mini lawn got narrower because of the herb garden, which filled the bottom-right half of the photo below. The cement blobs at the end of beds 2, 3, and 4 are from the holes that once secured the arbor.