Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants

Triadica Sebifera - Texas Invasives
USDA Plants Database
Chinese Tallow - Wikipedia

Duration: Perennial, deciduous Origination: China and JapanEdibility: Uses for seed wax, nectarStatus in Yard: Invasive, controlled

Chinese tallow is an incredibly invasive tree that has taken over huge areas all over Houston and southeast Texas. A large one lives in the space between my wood back privacy fence and the chain link fence marking the property line.

I have cut it back to its trunk more than once, but branches grow back pretty quickly. The fence prevents me from removing it all together. I regularly have to pull up its seedlings, which come up pretty easily. Sometimes suckers come up from the tree roots, and I have cut the roots in different places. Compared to the goldenrain tree, it is pretty manageable. The photo shows the tree as it was shortly after I move here in May 2013.

Click the photo to enlarge it

Here are a few of the baby Chinese tallow plants I often pull from the yard.

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