The Garden in 2013

I first broke ground on my first garden bed on August 23, 2013, finishing the day with a 6'x2' rectangle. To remove the St. Augustine grass, I shoveled up whole clumps of dirt with the grass attached, dumped them into my wheelbarrow, and separated the grass from the dirt with my hands, leaving the grass in the backyard nook.

Click to see it bigger!
I mixed batches of the dug-up dirt with the soil I had taken from the garden at my previous home and dumped the batches into the bed. By the end of the day, all the soil from my last home was either in the bed or in the backyard nook, to which I had moved the cardboard on which the old garden soil had been.

The next day, August 23, 2013, I used the same process to turn the rectangle into a keyhole shape, creating the C Bed. All the remaining old garden soil ended up in this bed.

A week later, on September 1, 2013, I created the Triangle Bed, just to the north of the C Bed.

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