Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)

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Pecan – Wikipedia
Popular Texas Pecan Varieties to Plant - Royal Pecans
Pecan -

Duration: Perennial, deciduous Origination: Mexico and southcentral to southeastern USAEdibility: fruitStatus in Yard: supressed, seedlings removed

The folks next door have a mature pecan tree.  All I have is seedlings that I regularly pull up or mow down. I love pecans and pecan trees, but not as much as I love sunlight for my garden.

Pecan trees produce catkins. I told my neighbor I would rake them up for him if he would let me have them, but he prefers to mulch them into the lawn with his lawn mower.

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I find pecan tree saplings, like the one above, now and then, but not nearly as many as the number of goldenrain trees and chinese tallows that pop up every year. Although the pecan saplings are native, I remove them because they get quite large as adults.

The neighbor's pecan tree was heavy with catkins on April 23, 2014.
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Closeup of catkins on April 26, 2014
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