
Non-Garden Plants


Texas Sage (Leucophyllum frutescens) (finished in October)Lawnflower (Calyptocarpus vialis)
swamp lily
Goldenrain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata)
Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense)
"tall aster"
American nightshade
Vervain (Verbena sp.)


Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Losing Leaves

Texas Lantana (Lantana urticoides)

Garden Plants


10/6/2013 - Some of the American beautyberry leaves had yellow spots on them.
10/6/2013 - A Spiny-backed orb weaver spider was on its web in front of the garage.
10/9/2013 - The butterfly weed was starting to look unhealthy.
10/9/2013 - A cicada “shell” was on the Texas sage.
10/9/2013 - The bean plants were starting to look diseased.
10/9/2013 - Lawnflower was blooming.
10/9/2013 - Swamp lilies were blooming.
10/11/2013 - A lot of Tropical sod webworms (Herpetogramma phaeopteralis) were living in and around the star jasmine and would flutter away or hide as I walked by.
10/11/2013 - A leaf-footed bug was in the yard.
10/11/2013 - A green lacewing was on the door of a kitchen cupboard.
10/11/2013 - Goldenrain tree flowers were falling.
10/11/2013 - Loropetalum was blooming.
10/19/2013 - A click beetle was in my kitchen.
10/19/2014 - The basil was starting to decline.
10/19/2014 - A dwarf palmetto was growing near the water oak.
10/19/2014 - A patch of basket grass was right next to the water oak.
10/19/2014 - The lantana was losing its leaves.
10/19/2014 - The tall aster plant was flowering.
10/19/2014 - The bricks under the arbor were nearly covered with anthills.
10/19/2014 - The fennel had stopped flowering but it was still producing new leaves.
10/19/2014 - Asters were flowering by the corner of the driveway and sidewalk.
10/19/2014 - Purslane and dichondra were growing by the live oak.
10/19/2014 - The cardinal flower plant looked unhealthy but had some flowers.
10/26/2014 - Some of the mustard spinach was up to 2 inches tall.
10/26/2014 - Asters near the ferns behind the garage and by the east fence were in full bloom.
10/26/2014 - The nightshade was flowering.

10/26/2014 - Lawnflower was flowering.
10/27/2013 - An orchard orb weaver was in the northwest corner of the backyard.
10/27/2013 - The Kentucky Wonder bean vines started blooming.